September 4, 2007


Do you've heard something come out of your children's mouths and convince yourself "oh, that can't be"? This morning, as I was applying the lacquer upon my face, I asked Kaid to get me a piece of paper to write his teacher a note. He replied that we were out of paper. So I looked at the clock, continued applying (mother of the year) and pleaded with him to find a piece.
Moments later Kaid comes into the bathroom and says " Mom, you can have a piece from my constipation book." I stopped applying, turned toward him and asked him to repeat it. "You can have a piece from my Constipation Book (as he is delicately ripping it from the composition book)." I bit my cheek said thank you. I know I probably will be struck down for this, and Kaid I am sorry for not telling you right away, but your priceless!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Ok, so you have time to change the color but no time to update pics? What gives sister?