November 25, 2008


You know its a bad day when......................
The smell almost knocks you over, before you open the door.
The door doesn't open as easy as it usually does.
The big white smelly dog is hiding in the corner.
The piles of dog crap are strategically placed from the back door, (the back door smeared the piles as I opened it) through the kitchen, evenly dispersed in the living room and finally a blob next to David's side of the bed.
Hind sight being 20/20 I should have took a deep breath, wait scratch that, walked outside and came up with a game plan to tackle the dog crap, but oh no, not me, realizing that Lane would be home in a few minutes I jumped right in to Mission "Spread Dog Sh** All Over the Kitchen." First, tackle the crap by the back door, which has been spread all over the entryway carpet, and the draft doo hickey. Again that hindsight thing, I should have thought about how I was going to keep the carpet rolled up before I rolled it up, but not so much, so I rolled up the carpet, and realized my mistake, only to find out that I had just smeared more dog crap all over the kitchen floor (by the untimely unrolling of the carpet). I managed to get cut a piece of jute to tie the mess up. This next part only happens in the movies. So I pick up the rug, trying to avoid covering my clothes with dog diarrhea, and wouldn't you know it, my rolled up carpet dropped dog crap all over the floor, evenly splattering any remaining clean kitchen tiles.

Needless to say, Lane walked in just as I was elbows deep in clean up, and he eagerly agreed to play outside until the smell passed.

1 comment:

maxcoug7 said...

You have to have these days to appreciate the usual ones. I hope that you have a great one tomorrow.

Love you